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Built-in Ovens Innovations


Appetising cooking features that make healthy living easy

Hero - Built in Ovens - 375x600

Frost free, longer lasting fruit, and quick cooling.

Bigger capacity in standard dimensions


Bigger capacity in standard dimensions

Not having enough space in the oven can really make cooking a hassle, especially if you have a large family or entertain a lot. CookMaster® ovens offer a whopping 94 L Gross Capacity and let you cook on up to five shelves at the same time, all within the dimensions of a standard sized oven.

Grease-resistant, easy-to-clean oven glass


Grease-resistant, easy-to-clean oven glass

We all love a juicy, oven-cooked meal. Having to clean the splashed grease on the oven door? Not so much. The interior oleophobic coating in CleanZone® oven doors resists dirt and grease build-up for easy cleaning every time. Even after 20 cooking cycles, you simply wipe down the inside with a soft cloth. No scrubbing, no harsh chemicals needed.