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Built-In Hoods Innovations


Refreshing hood features that make life easier

Hero - Built in Ovens - 375x600

Frost free, longer lasting fruit, and quick cooling.

Clear view of what's cooking

Led Illumination

Clear view of what's cooking

It’s not always easy to see your hob clearly, especially if the hood is blocking the light. Led Illumination lights up your hob clearly so you can see exactly what’s going on in your pots and pans.

Ventilation boosting performance

Intensive Ventilation

Ventilation boosting performance

Grilling and frying can create a lot of smoke and strong odours, making your kitchen an unpleasant place to be. Intensive Ventilation increases maximum extraction power by 67%* and quickly gets rid of smoke and smells. After a while it automatically switches back to the previous speed setting, which is pretty handy too! *Tested by internal laboratories

Easy-to-clean filters

Dishwasher-Safe Filters

Easy-to-clean filters

Nobody wants to hand wash greasy hood filters, and now you don’t have to with Dishwasher-Safe Filters. Just pop them in the dishwasher, run a normal cycle, and then pop them back in the hood. Easy!