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Freestanding Washer Dryer Innovations


Impeccable washing features that make life easier

Hero - Laundry - 375x600

Frost free, longer lasting fruit, and quick cooling.

ProSmart Inverter Motor: high efficiency, high durability, low noise

ProSmart Inverter Motor

ProSmart Inverter Motor: high efficiency, high durability, low noise

Don't stress about your energy bill or give yourself a headache every time you wash and dry your clothes. Thanks to a brushless motor design, ProSmart offers energy efficiency, lower sound levels and higher durability – all in a single machine. All so you get the most from your washer dryer without disturbing your monthly budget or piece of mind.

DrumClean+ Programme: clean & fresh drum

DrumClean+ Programme

DrumClean+ Programme: clean & fresh drum

After you've run the machine enough times, that drum begins to smell a bit from all the humidity. DrumClean+ programme powered by AirTherapy technology circulates additional warm air to remove any odours and deep-clean the drum. Remember, a clean drum means cleaner clothes, cycle after cycle.

Fresher drum with ions


Fresher drum with ions

A smelly drum is not very reassuring considering you’re washing your clothes in that. Thankfully, IonGuard technology comes to the rescue. IonGuard generates negative ions which attach to bad odour molecules and neutralise them in seconds. Now you can rest assured that your washer dryer’s drum will smell fresher than ever.

Ultra-hygienic results at any temperature

Hygiene+ Wash & Dry Programme

Ultra-hygienic results at any temperature

People with allergies know too well that some mites and bacteria might remain on clothes even after washing. The Hygiene+ Wash & Dry Programme blends sensitive temperature controls with additional rinse and spin cycles to make sure these microorganisms are removed from laundry. Working at a range of 20 °C to 90 °C, the 60°C cycle is approved by Allergy UK to eliminate 99.9% of allergens.