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2 min read

How to stop water spots from forming on dishes in the dishwasher?

How to stop water spots from forming on dishes in the dishwasher?
How to stop water spots from forming on dishes in the dishwasher?



Water marks form when water droplets dry on your dishes. Using rinse aid is the best way to avoid this. If you notice water marks on your dishes despite using rinse aid, see if one of the following will solve the problem.




Make sure to use rinse aid


Rinse aid disperses water from the surface of your dishes during the final rinse and helps with the drying process. It prevents water droplets from drying on your dishes and leaving water marks. 


When the rinse aid light on your dishwasher comes on, it’s time to refill. The rinse aid reservoir is located on the inside of your dishwasher’s door, next to the detergent reservoir. Open the cover of the reservoir, pour in the rinse aid until the reservoir is full and close the cover.




Make sure the rinse aid setting is appropriate


Your dishwasher has a rinse aid setting which determines the amount of rinse aid the appliance uses. If you see water marks on your dishes despite using rinse aid, you may want to increase your dishwasher’s rinse aid dosage. If there’s a bluish/rainbow-like colouration on glassware even after wiping, try lowering your dishwasher’s rinse aid dosage.



Make sure to activate the tablet detergent function when using tablets


Tablet detergents are less effective at rinsing and drying. To compensate for this, your dishwasher can be specially programmed to work with tablet detergents.


Some Beko dishwashers come with Auto Tablet sensors which can tell if you’re using tablet detergent. If your dishwasher doesn’t have this function, make sure you manually activate the tablet detergent setting when using tablets.


In addition, though some tablets feature a 2-in-1 formula, it’s recommended that you also use rinse aid with these tablets. 




Take advantage of the SteamGloss® and

GlassCare 40°C Programmes


Many Beko dishwashers feature specific technologies and programmes to protect your glassware.


SteamGloss® Technology provides an extra 10 minutes of intense heating to minimize water stains.


The GlassCare 40 °C Programme washes your glassware gently at 40°C to protect your delicate glassware.



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