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SKWS54M: 54cm Stacking kit with Shelf


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SKWS54M: 54cm Stacking kit with Shelf

Proper Dryer Cabinets 54 cm
Stackable WM Cabinets 54 cm


Stacking Kit with Shelf

The Beko Stacking Kit with push to open shelf offers an easy space saving solutions in your laundry. With a 40cm shelf when pulled out, it can hold up to 20kg so you can easily put your laundry basket right on top. It's easy to Install and compatible with our Graphite Beko Washing Machine and matching Dryer: BFLB904HG & BDPB904HG

Tech Specs

Key Features

Proper Dryer Cabinets

54 cm

Stackable WM Cabinets

60 cm


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