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Appliance Rebate Program 2023

Under the REPS program, the Minister for Energy and Mining will require energy retailers in South Australia to provide incentives for SA households and businesses to achieve energy savings and potentially lower their energy bills. Energy retailers that exceed certain thresholds are set annual targets for delivering energy efficiency activities to households and businesses. Many obliged retailers use the services of third-party contractors of the scheme, such as YESS. 


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What is the Retailer Energy Productivity Scheme REPS?
REPS (Retailer Energy Productivity Scheme) is an SA Government initiative helping households and businesses reduce their energy costs. It commenced on January 1st 2021 replacing the old REES, which (along with the previous Residential Energy Efficiency Scheme) was in place for over a decade, helping South Australians get more value from their energy. 

Rebate Eligibility


Eligible products must be purchased  & delivered to your  home in South Australia within the 2023 calendar year


Limit One Claim per Household


Make an energy-efficient choice to be eligible for our Appliance Rebate! You can get up to a $348 Rebate as part of the Retailer Energy Productivity Scheme (REPS).


Have you recently bought or are planning to buy a new energy-efficient fridge, freezer or heat-pump dryer for use at a South Australian address? Both online and in-store purchases from any retailer may be eligible for our rebate.

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Eligible Products




High Efficiency products: Energy star rating dependent on product




Heat Pump Tumble Dryer




The way we use energy and how much we pay for it affects our society, economy and environment. Over a decade ago, the SA government introduced an initiative to support households and businesses to reduce their energy costs.


Over the years, the scheme has undergone improvements to reflect current challenges, with the aim of delivering “a smarter, more affordable, reliable and sustainable energy future for all South Australians.”

Eligible Beko Products