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Household Energy Saving Program 2023
The Climate Smart Energy Savers appliance rebate has closed for new purchases and installations. If you purchased an eligible appliance or installed an eligible air conditioner or hot water system up until 11:59pm on 4 December 2023, you will need to submit your rebate application within 30 days of purchase/installation. Applications cannot be accepted after 3 January 2024.
Teaser Image

Eligible Products


4 Star or higher energy rating


Washing Machines


Tumble Dryers


Air Conditioners

Hot water systems

Rebate Eligibility

Buy and install an eligible energy-efficient appliance with a 4 star or more rating

Teaser Image

Rebate amount


  • Rebates of between $300 and $1,000 will be available for eligible Queensland householders who replace old appliances with 4 star-rated (or higher)
Limit one Claim per household


The Climate Smart Energy Savers appliance rebate has closed for new purchases and installations. If you purchased an eligible appliance or installed an eligible air conditioner or hot water system up until 11:59pm on 4 December 2023, you will need to submit your rebate application within 30 days of purchase/installation. Applications cannot be accepted after 3 January 2024.

Eligible Beko Products

This rebate program not only helps Queenslanders purchase new household appliances, but it means they save money and help lower emissions for years to come.

Mick de Brenni
Qld Minister for Energy and Public Works
Government Statement