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Chicken Wings with Tiny Veggie Cakes
Chicken Wings with Tiny Veggie Cakes

1m read

Chicken Wings with Tiny Veggie Cakes

A chicken wing recipe that will whip off your table.

Choose a movie for tonight and have your dinner in front of the TV. It will be really exciting.


Chicken wings recipe that will almost make you eat your fingers, and a veggie cake to accompany it. Even if you are on a diet, you will be very happy with this recipe that will not upset you and you will not regret after eating it. But we have one more suggestion for you... Chicken wings can become much more enjoyable while watching a good football match or an exciting movie.


Main Course



Total Time

45 MIN



For the Veggie Cake:

1 zucchini

1 carrot

1 small potato

1 egg

1 cup oat flour

½ cup cornmeal

2 tsp salt


For the Chicken Wings;


10 pieces chicken wings

4 tbsp unflavored yoghurt

1 tbsp tomato paste

2 cloves garlic, minced

1 tbsp olive oil

1 tsp paprika

1 tsp salt

Step by Step:

  1. Preheat oven 200°C. Prepare tray with baking sheet.

  2. Grated the zucchini, carrot and potato, add some salt on them and toss it. Place in a strainer and rest for 10 minutes to extra water run out. 

  3. Make 3 cuts both side of wings. In a bowl mix other ingredients and add wings. Toss nicely. Take a side.

  4. Squeeze excess juice from vegetables by hand. Take in a bowl, add egg and flour mix it nicely. 

  5. Take the baking tray place chicken wings one side and the other side, sprinkle cornmeal surface of the tray. Put 2 tbsp vegetable mixture and press from top until look round. 

  6. Bake everything for 15 minutes then turn upside down, bake for 15 more minutes.  

  7. Serve with your favorite sauce. Enjoy!