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Scoring Healthier Kids
Scoring Healthier Kids

1m read

Scoring Healthier Kids


Do your kids gobble up their broccoli, ask for salmon for supper, and look forward to snacking on fruit slices? Probably not. Most kids don’t make the healthiest choices, despite their parents’ best efforts to set a good example.


Here at Beko, we don’t just care about how you cook. We care about what you cook and how we can help you keep your family healthy—starting with the youngest eaters sitting around your table.


Since children are much more likely to copy what their heroes do than listen to their parents, Beko has teamed up with some of the most world’s most admired sports stars from FC Barcelona (FCB) to encourage kids like yours to Eat Like a Pro!


Our fun, colorful Eat Like a Pro website makes eating fresh fruits and vegetables, fish, and even healthy pizzas look exciting. Entertaining videos show these FCB stars creatively applying their athletic prowess to preparing healthy meals in the kitchen. The site also offers great ideas for cooking with kids, recipes for quick and balanced meals that busy parents will appreciate, nutritious lunch box suggestions, and tips for appealing to picky eaters.


Part of the Eat Like a Pro campaign also centers on raising awareness about childhood obesity. If current trends continue, by 2025 more than 70 million children worldwide will be obese. To start more conversations about the problem, Beko is launching a huge #EatLikeAPro Social Media Challenge to coincide with the world’s most-watched match: El Clásico, when FC Barcelona goes up against its arch-rival Real Madrid on May 6.


In the days leading up to the big game, FC Barcelona players will sport #EatLikeAPro on the back of their training jerseys and a Digital Billboard will begin tracking Twitter and Instagram mentions live from Camp Nou and on the Beko website. Then on game day, Beko will give up its brand visibility to the cause and all FCB players will wear #EatLikeAPro on their sleeves. After El Clásico, Beko will auction off some of the team’s #EatLikeAPro limited edition jerseys and donate the profits to UNICEF.


As Premium partner of FC Barcelona for years, Beko knows exactly what the top players in the world eat every day in order to perform at their best. We also know how to build smart, high-performance technologies into our appliances that help you provide your family with nutritious food at its best every day.


Now, let us help encourage your kids to Eat Like a Pro! Join the fun online and on social media.