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Regular, Beetroot & Avocado Hummus
Regular, Beetroot & Avocado Hummus

1m read


Regular, Beetroot &

Avocado Hummus

Regular, Beetroot & Avocado Hummus





Total Time



  • 400g cooked chickpea 
  • Half cooked beetroot 
  • Half avocado
  • 2 tablespoon tahini 
  • 2 tablespoon olive oil 
  • Dressing: garlic, salt, lemon juice, paprika

Step by step


1.Place the tahini in a big bowl, like a salad bowl, and add 3-4 tablespoons of water and whisk with a fork until it gets a creamy and whitish texture. 


2.Drain and wash the chickpeas well and whip them with a  blender or hand blender, adding the tahini and a garlic clove (or less) adding a splash of water if needed.


3.Once smashed, slowly add olive oil, continuing to whip to emulsify; season to taste with salt, lemon juice and paprika. 




Iron can be found in chickpeas and the lemon juice helps that iron to be absorbed three times better. That's because vitamin C in lemon juice makes iron in vegetables change shape so it’s easier to take in. What happens if you add them to a stew? Fruit as a dessert, they all have C vitamins.